We’d love to help!
We are thrilled about our products, and we want you to be as well

Studio Hours
Click to view this week's hours
See the video of Our Story or read
about our one of a kind Team Hadaya
91 HaYehudim st
Jewish Quarter, Old City, Jerusalem
+972-2-628-6725 (ext. 1)
+1(914)984-5722 (online support)
Walking Directions
Feel free to email and ask us anything.
We typically reply rather quickly and if not then it's 24-48 hours to get a reply.
Chat with us
We can chat with you live on this website, click and a live agent will assist you (if we are online). When chat is unavailable please contact us and we will coordinate a chat with you ASAP.
Order over phone
Unfortunately, we currently don't have the option of taking orders over the phone but we can assist you in placing one or with questions you may have, just call us on +1(914)984-5722 to talk to someone from #TeamHadaya
(not always available yet).
Make it simple
If you have the design and engravings in mind, you can contact us with the details and we'll create a SimpLink for you, this way it will be rather simple for you to use our website and purchase your customized items without the trouble of inputting engravings/measurements.